Pro Ski
The ski training tool favoured by European skiers since 1999
Now in Canada
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The preferred choice for all skiers from beginners to experts
Year-round training is an incredible advantage for improving technique, power, balance and maximizing cardiovascular and muscular endurance.
Discover the effective low-impact workout with various exercises to improve tone, flexibility, balance and fitness.
Work your body from head to toe for
More power • More endurance • More performance on snow
Choose the best simulator for you
Classic JUNIOR
GRAFFITI Special Edition
From: $2,250.00
Pros & Amateurs are talking about it
Pro Ski is a new addition to my physical prep routine. It's a unique system that allows me to increase my training time without leaving home. Because I'm not limited by trails or outdoor conditions, I can optimize my effort and accustom my muscle groups to perform when lactic acid levels are very high. Combining on-snow training with a non-impact simulator is also key to reduce stress on my joints and prevent injury.

Pro Ski is a unique tool for skiers. It offers a dynamic workout that contributes to strengthening muscle and improve endurance, cardiovascular capacity and lateral movement. Biomechanically, the similarities to snow skiing are remarkable and help you become aware of your movements to make adjustments in real time. Since the body quickly loses specific adaptations in the off-season, having access to the simulator at any time of the year is a distinct advantage for any skier.

Using Pro Ski at home is a fun way to vary our off-snow training routine and maximize our time on the slopes during family outings. The JUNIOR simulator has been a real plus for my 8-year-old daughter Marguerite, it's helped her learn the basic movements and improve her balance on skis, which makes her feel more comfortable and safe once she gets on the snow.

Year-round training at home is an incredible advantage for improving technique and maximizing cardio. Personalizing your training with a simulator adjusted to your skill level benefits everyone and not just skiers.

In my opinion, the best way to prepare for skiing, whether in training or coming back from an injury, is to ski! The simulator is impressive in how it replicates the movements involved in skiing, which helps to retrain muscles and joints in the precise angles required on snow. This allows for optimal preparation or rehabilitation in a safe environment. Being able to practise your sport continuously and in a safe environment, over the course of a year and not just on a seasonal basis, also helps to prevent injuries when returning to a demanding sport.

I love incorporating Pro Ski into my interval training or when I want to recreate the intensity of competition. I really feel that I've gained more explosiveness and endurance. I get my legs and core used to working at maximum intensity for 60 to 90 seconds, which lets me have the same level of energy from start to finish line.